Current Volunteer Opportunities at Saint Rose

Volunteers are an essential component of our Parish! They fill vital roles, making a difference in the everyday lives of their fellow parishioners and helping things run smoothly both in the spotlight and behind the scenes. This page lists specific volunteer needs that fall outside of our parish apostolates. Would you be available to serve our parish in one of these roles? Check below for opportunities and contact information!
Seeking two trustworthy individuals looking to use their gifts of organization, attention to detail and financial integrity to act as an additional Offering Money Counting Team. The time commitment is approximately 1.5 hours every other Monday morning. Duties include:
Sorting, counting, and recording offerings and donations
Maintaining names/lists for special offerings
Preparing the deposit slip and taking deposit to bank
Providing contribution reports and documentation to Fr. Barlett and the bookkeeper
Team members cannot be from the same household. Any individuals or teams interested in serving this vital role, please contact the parish office at saintroseparishoffice@gmail.com.